[Video] – How you can build more affection in your Relationships?

In this video, you will learn about a powerful channel in the body that is involved in building affection and connection in your relationships. This channel helps to balance the ego so that we can be more driven by our hearts with sincerity and honesty.

The heart has a protector called the Pericardium. The Pericardium is a double-walled sac which contains the heart. Next to this important function of containing the heart, it is also the key to protecting the heart both physically and psychologically according to Chinese Medicine. As all things in life, there are two sides/polarities and this is no different in organs and their relative functions. In the video, I discuss the two sides (yin and yang) of the Pericardium and how it affects our ability to connect and build affection with our partners, share our feelings appropriately and at the right time and to the right person. The Pericardium also helps us have the confidence and ability to be sexually intimate with our partners so we can connect at a deeper level and use this as a foundation to build an abundant and fulfilling relationship.

Watch the video below and learn more about this powerful channel in the body that can do wanders for your relationships. Leave your questions, comments and thoughts below and feel free to share the video if you believe it will help others.

Dr. Sohial Farzam
Doctor of TCM

Reference: I would like to acknowledge the work of Leon Hammer and his book “Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies”. The concepts discussed in this video are from Leon’s book. You check it out Leon’s work and books here: https://www.dragonrises.edu/mkd-team-member/leon-hammer/


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