Is Acupuncture Good for Numbness?

Acupuncture and back pain

Numbness, which frequently occurs in the hands or feet, is a result of a possible concern to the nervous system. Numbness has been linked to a number of conditions, including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cervical Radiculopathy, Diabetes, Raynaud’s Disease, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, to mention a few.

The nerves in our body are in charge of sending and receiving messages to and from our brain. Numbness can develop when nerves are crushed, injured, or irritated. 1Damage to a particular nerve can result in pain, numbness, and/or loss of function in a specific body component. 2Nerve cells regenerate more slowly than blood or skin cells, which can be an issue. Larger nerves regenerate more slowly than smaller nerves. Acupuncture may be applied with the smaller nerves.3

People who are experiencing numbness have been seeking treatments to alleviate their symptoms. Acupuncture has the potential to be applied for nerve problems while also minimising the adverse effects of drugs. 

How Acupuncture Works

Acupuncture, one of the oldest and most widely utilised alternative therapies, dates back over 2500 years. Acupuncture uses stainless steel needles to be placed into specific body sites called acupuncture points, each serving a specific and unique function. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) states that when an acupoint is stimulated, treatment effects tend to occur on specific body parts along the meridian that contains the acupoint. It is believed that manipulation of identified locations near to the skin can remedy an imbalance of specific bodily functions along the meridians.

By adjusting the energy flow through specific acupoints, a qualified acupuncturist can restore balance. Each acupoint has its own therapeutic action. Acupoint stimulation can be accomplished through mechanical needling or electrical point stimulation.

According to researchers, the neurological system and neurotransmitters respond to needling stimulation and electroacupuncture and that acupuncture has clear clinical advantages in managing and reducing the symptoms connected to nerve illnesses as a safe type of treatment.4

For example, a diabetic patients’ peripheral nervous system can often be impacted, and the consequences of nerve dysfunction frequently determine the outcome of the disease and its progression. In the case of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), affected nerve functions include decreased nerve conduction velocity, decreased temperature feeling, decreased tendon reflex response, and decreased capacity to sense vibration and touch.5 Acupuncture treatment appeared to considerably reduce subjective symptom scores of diabetic patients, including numbness, discomfort, rigidity, and temperature perception changes, according to studies.6

It can be difficult to get through the day if you have numbness. Considering acupuncture to treat your symptoms is highly likely to result in positive outcomes. Based on the underlying disease and the nerves involved, your qualified health practitioner will select the best treatment for your numbness.







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