It’s one thing to do our best as practitioners to help educate our clients about the endless benefits of why inserting some stainless steel needles into their skin will help them in so many ways, it’s another, trying to get them, the public, the healthcare system to recognise that the acupuncture needles are completely hygienic and safe to use.
On February 17th 2014, the Sydney Morning Herald released a shocking image (see below) of an acupuncture needle magnified showing what appears to be a scary image of the needle with relentless flaws “including scratches, blunt ends, metallic lumps and loosely attached pieces of material” (SMH, FEB 2014).
Image Source: SMH, FEB 2014
Article Link:
This is enough to scare anyone…both the client and the practitioner! Most of all, the public eye whom will stay far away from any thought of seeing an acupuncturist or a health practitioner who use acupuncture and needling as a form of therapy to provide healing.
Researchers also mentioned that “these metallic pieces most likely resulted from the grinding and polishing process in the manufacturing process” (SMH, FEB 2014)
With so many acupuncture needles now available in Australia, where do you start?
The choice is not always about price. As you just saw – quality, durability, consistency, reliability, hygiene, safety and ultimately performance and value are crucial points that should drive your decision. These are at least just some of the characteristics of an acupuncture needle we personally looked for (first and foremost as practitioners) when choosing to bring a world-class performer like DongBang acupuncture needles into the Australian market for health practitioners.
The subject line of this article states ‘what you don’t see in your acupuncture needle?’. And for this reason we have sourced some photo’s from our manufacturer’s (DongBang Acupuncture Inc.) research team to show you the quality and excellence in our needles compared to some of these other brands. And here’s our needles…

Who do you trust?
These first two photo’s below show you the quality of some other “above average” (unlike the first photo) brands of acupuncture needles. Even then, you will be able to see the roughness and inconsistency in its texture and some splints in the needle shaft. Check them out…