[Client Conversion Tip] – Your Product VS Customer Experience

Many health practitioners focus a great deal of their attention on the type or modality of service they offer their prospects or current clients. Although this should be the case, what practitioners often forget is the overall EXPERIENCE of the client. You can be great at what you do, but if you lack an in depth understanding of human behaviour, personality types, different buyer types and more importantly how to build rapport with your clients (or prospects) during their stay with you, you have a higher probability of losing clients.

Many businesses that fail – fail due to numerous reasons but two crucial reasons are:

1. Lacking an effective and automated Client Acquisition System

2. Lacking an effective Client Retention and Management System

Even before understanding the above two critical points, you need to still focus on “the experience” your clients have with you. Its not about your product or service, its about the experience your clients have with you in your organisation. Their experience with you and in your business should yield back 10 Fold in VALUE back to them in return to what they invest with you. So give as much value as you can to your clients and genuinely take care of them.

If you think your value is in terms of quality, well you have it wrong again. Quality may have won you a few sales a decade ago, but in today’s time, quality is expected. And why wouldn’t it be? Don’t you expect high quality when you purchase something? Well your clients are thinking the same.

When you stop providing an experience for your clients, don’t expect them to return.

To Your Success,

Sohial Farzam.

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