Sinus problems are not fun. They usually come with pain, congestion, and difficulty breathing. Fortunately, some treatments for this can help relieve sinusitis and sinus allergies. Acupuncture is one holistic treatment approach..
What are the sinuses? There are four connected spaces behind the forehead, eyes, nose, and cheeks in the skull called sinuses. Each one produces mucus that flows into the nose, removing dirt, bacteria, and other impurities and functions to prevent allergies.
The sinuses are lined with soft tissue, which is mucosa. Usually, the sinuses are empty except for a thin layer of mucus. But when something blocks the mucus from draining normally, an infection can occur.
Suppose you wish to try a more natural approach or experience recurrent sinus problems. Acupuncture helps and can be very effective in treating all types of sinusitis (acute, chronic, allergic, or infectious) and allergic rhinitis. Acupuncture can help to address the current congestion and inflammation while boosting your immune system to help prevent future attacks.
How Does Acupuncture for Sinusitis Work and Which Points Target the Sinuses?
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese tradition that involves inserting acupuncture needles into your skin at specific points to relieve pain; these needles stimulate the release of chemicals in your body and help let go of the pain.
Qi maintains your body’s equilibrium and encourages its innate capacity for healing. Therefore, a blocked or interrupted qi flow might significantly impact your physical and emotional well-being. People use acupuncture to relieve sinus issues, including headaches, pressure, pain, and nasal congestion.
Moreover, acupuncture for sinus problems works by clearing the nasal passages and relieving congestion and pressure. It can also help ease inflammation and improve drainage.
Our body has hundreds of acupuncture points. Before choosing which acupuncture locations to use, the acupuncturist will record a complete history of your ailments if you try acupuncture.
Remember that only some acupuncturists use the same marks, and some points have numerous functions. Some of the following acupuncture points are commonly used to treat sinus conditions: Bitong (EM7), Yingxiang (LI20), Hegu (LI4), Quchi (LI11), Juliao (ST3), Yangbai (GB14) Fenglong (ST40), Shangxing (GV23), Sibai (ST2) and Zanzhu (BI2)
Acupuncture is most effective for chronic sinusitis, defined as the sinuses’ inflammation lasting more than 12 weeks. This condition is often categorized by nasal congestion, facial pain, and headaches.
Acupuncture can also be helpful for those with acute sinusitis, which is a short-term inflammation of the sinuses. However, more research is needed in this area.
The results of an acupuncture treatment can be so potent that you may notice immediate relief during or directly after the treatment. This outcome from acupuncture’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions on the body lessens sinus cavities’ inflammation and decreases pain levels. The release of endorphins which may be unseen during an acupuncture treatment, can help reduce your pain and often leave you feeling very relaxed and sometimes even ecstatic.